Tools and Tips for Learning Success
When you come to Logan, you will be challenged. Your commitment will be tested. But you’ll also be supported by a campus and a culture dedicated to helping you succeed. Student Mentors, Faculty Advisors and your Academic Success Coach will help you live up to your and our high academic standards. Should you need them, Counseling and Disability Services are here to help you manage any personal issues you face. Find links to a wealth of campus resources below.
The George A. Goodman, DC Library is a vital resource for students, instructors and clinicians. Visit in person or online to access essential learning materials or meet with colleagues.
Learn MoreAcademic Technology Services
Located in the Administration Center, Academic Technology Services is your source for information and support on the learning technology used in Logan’s classrooms.
Learn MoreCampus Security
For the safety of our students, staff, faculty and visitors, Logan employs a security staff and an e-campus emergency notification system. See how we can help you stay safe on and off campus.
Learn MoreJob Postings & Marketplace
Find or share employment opportunities, office space for lease and chiropractic equipment and practices for sale. Marketplace is a free service for students, alumni and practicing professionals.
Learn MoreCounseling Services
Students, faculty, staff and their spouses and dependents can access free services and referrals through Logan Counseling Services. Students can also reach out to a Student Care Manager for help.
Learn MoreDisability Services
If you seek academic accommodations for specific learning, medical or psychological disabilities or attention deficit disorders, our Office of Student Affairs can help.
Learn MoreWriting Center
Clear communication is critical to success in the health sciences. Logan’s Writing Center is here to help you prepare better papers, letters, resumes, presentations and more.
Learn MoreTesting Center
Located in the Student Center, the Testing Center can help students who need special accommodations in taking exams.
Learn MoreTutoring
To complement the instruction by our expert faculty, Logan offers free peer tutoring for individuals and small groups. Sessions can be scheduled in person or online as well by ZOOM video chat.
Learn MoreRegistrar & Transcripts
To request transcripts of your academic records, contact the Office of the Registrar. We can also help with applying for graduation, ordering duplicate diplomas, verifying your degree and more.
Learn MoreFaculty & Staff Directory
Visit our search tool for a list of Logan University faculty, administrators and staff as well as contact information.
Search DirectoryGraduation
Complete your Graduation Application. Order your academic regalia. Find important dates and details for upcoming Logan commencement ceremonies. And more.
Learn MoreStudent Accounts
For information on billing, refunds, payment plans, and book vouchers, contact the Office of Student Accounts. Student Accounts works closely with the Office of Financial Aid to apply loans, scholarships, and grants to student accounts and determine if a refund is applicable.
Learn MoreBookstore
Students taking courses on campus or online can order books online through the Logan Bookstore.
Visit the BookstoreAcademic Success Coaches & Student Care Manager
Academic Success Coaches
Logan’s Academic Success Coaches will assist students throughout their time at Logan, from registering for classes to tracking progress and overcoming obstacles.
Contact your Academic Success Coach
College of Chiropractic:
College of Health Sciences:
Student Care Manager
Life can be difficult at times; students are faced with stressors and challenges that can impact their success at school. We want all students at Logan to know our care for them extends beyond academic success to their overall well being. The Student Care Manager is here to support students by providing resources, referrals and additional life skills.
If you’re struggling with an issue, whether it’s medical, mental health, social, financial or academic, our Student Care Manager will listen, help you brainstorm, problem solve and ultimately connect you to the right resources or to specialists as necessary, both on and off campus.
Contact the Student Care Manager at Amanda Robb (
Student Affairs Forms & Student Handbook
View the Logan University Student Handbook.
The Logan Student Handbook* is produced by the Student Affairs Office, located in the Administration Building room 147.
All currently enrolled students are responsible to know and to abide by the policies and institutional conduct guidelines noted in the student handbook.
*Logan reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements when such action will serve the interest of Logan or its students. The Handbook has been designed to help you understand the policies and procedures that affect you as a student while at Logan.
Request for Funding
Please visit Logan Connect to find additional forms on clubs and group speakers.